AGILE - Italian Group for advanced laparo-endoscopic and robotic urologic surgery

SoracteLite™ Transperineal Laser Ablation for the non-surgical management of BPO

March 26th, 2021
4:00 – 6:00 P.M. CET

Key Topics

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a common pathology affecting men generally above age of 50, with a negative impact on quality of life, has conventionally been treated by transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Over the last couple of decades transurethral laser vaporization has replaced TURP.

Irrespective of the laser source used (Thulium, Holmium, PVP), transurethral laser vaporization remains an invasive procedure. More recently, newer minimally invasive therapies (MITs) have entered the playing field challenging the standard approaches (TURP or transurethral laser vaporization) as  less invasive alternatives to be proposed to patients. Within the field of MITs, EchoLaser SoracteLite™ TPLA (Transperineal Laser Ablation) represents a micro-invasive innovative and painless option treatment, performed without anaesthesia using extremely thin applicators and low energy doses. During this webinar, EchoLaser SoracteLite™ treatment will be presented and discussed, in light of studies completed or underway and real world evidence.

Scientific Program

Chairman: Pierluigi Bove


Why so many options for the treatment of BPO?10 min.

Pierluigi Bove


A review of emerging minimally-invasive techniques for the management of BPO50 min.


• Urolift

Silvia Secco



Riccardo Giuseppe Bertolo


• AquaBeam

Angelo Porreca


• Rezum

Angelo Cafarelli


• Prostatic Artery Embolization

Antonio Galfano


From mini to micro-invasive treatment: SoracteLite™20 min.

Pierluigi Bove


SoracteLite™ as a feasible option for the treatment of BPO – clinical evidence15 min.

Pasquale Ditonno


SoracteLite™  clinical results from a single centre prospective study15 min.

Giovanni Lughezzani


Conclusions and Take home message10 min.

Luca Cindolo


Scientific Board

Pierluigi Bove
Department of Urology, San Carlo di Nancy Hospital – GVM Care and Research
Rome, Italy

Silvia Secco
Department of Urology, Niguarda Hospital
Milan, Italy

Riccardo Giuseppe Bortolo
Department of Urology, San Carlo di Nancy Hospital – GVM Care and Research
Rome, Italy

Angelo Porreca
Department of Urology, Abano Terme Hospital
Padua, Italy

Angelo Cafarelli
Department of Urology, Villa Igea
Ancona, Italy

Antonio Galfano
Department of Urology, Niguarda Hospital
Milan, Italy

Pasquale Ditonno
Department of Urology, Giovanni XXIII General Hospital
Bari, Italy

Giovanni Lughezzani
Department of Urology, Humanitas Research Hospital
Rozzano – Milan, Italy

Luca Cindolo
Villa Stuart Private Clinic
Rome, Italy